Worth Your Time?

What’s the return on your participation?

Lonely At The Top?

Support & accountability from peers.

Members Speak

Hear why members value peer groups.

It doesn’t have to be lonely at the top!  Our Boston-based CEO Roundtable brings CEOs, Presidents and business Owners together for candid, solution-seeking discussions that focus on the challenges and pressures unique to top-level management.

CEO Roundtable is made up of private, peer advisory groups of 8 to 12 members from non-competing companies. These peer groups provide a forum for invigorating exchanges of information, ideas, and insights. And, because they are completely confidential, peer groups provide a secure environment for discussing any sensitive issues or concerns a member may be facing in his or her company.

Invest in Yourself

As a CEO, you understand the value of employee development. What about you? One half-day a month will get your “head up”, working ON your business instead of IN it.

You will get help with specific problems you have today, and participate in discussions about issues that you haven’t even thought of yet.

You will become a better leader, a better business manager and a better person.

Eric and Bob at 2017 Members Retreat
CEO Roundtable Member Sarah 
S&H Construction

Our Five Fundamental Principles

Bond of Trust

Confidentiality is just the beginning. This is a place where everything can be “on the table.”

Positive Intent

While discussions can be blunt, there is no ridicule, or one-upmanship.

Peer Purity

Preserving the peer relationships requires transparency in inter-group business.

Quest to Learn

No matter how senior or experienced, our members are life-long learners, ready to question and re-think.

Desire to Help

The more you put in, the more you get out. Our members understand that the best way to learn is to teach and are generous with their experience and knowledge.

Take advantage of this great opportunity!

Learn more about membership
Contact Us Today

CEO Roundtable is made up of private, peer advisory groups of 8 to 12 members from non-competing companies. These peer groups provide a forum for invigorating exchanges of information, ideas, and insights.



45 Wintergreen Lane
Groton, MA 01450
Telephone: 978-764-3934
[email protected]