What Our Members Have to Say!
Learn how CEO Roundtable has helped countless CEOsCEO Roundtable’s value is derived from our members’ experience and diversity. While we facilitate CEO peer groups, it is the members who bring insights and advice from across nearly every industry and company size. This unique feature makes our peer groups an invaluable asset for any who wants to optimize performance, save time, avoid costly mistakes, and continue to grow. We have invited our members to explain how the CEO Roundtable impacts their companies to help you better understand how our peer groups may be the best investment you’ve ever made.
Dan OBrien – Gibson Engineering
Dan Obrien of Gibson Engineering knows working on your business is different than working in it. He knows it’s easier to solve other’s problems before your own. The peer group helps him step back to work on his business, steering clear of avoidable mistakes thanks to the insights from other CEOs.
Maria Shepard – Medi-Vantage
Maria Shepard of Medi-Vantage has grown her company’s income and project security based on the business development advice she has received in our peer groups. Though the advice is indispensable, she finds it is the team of peers holding her accountable to implement changes that provides real value.
Dave Todaro – Ascendle
Dave Todaro of Ascendle quickly discovered the benefits of CEO peer groups. In his first meeting, he brought up an issue his company was facing and he was able to resolve the issue following the advice he recieved. Dave finds that getting actionable items to bring back to his company to be invaluable.
Brian Langhorst – Eustis Chair
Brian Langhorst of Eustis Chair finds attending our CEO peer groups to be time well invested. The tremendous return he receives back can be accredited to the insights, advice, and support he receives from the peer group.
Hiten Sonpal – Robin Autopilot
Hiten Sonpal of Robin Autopilot understands the value in being part of a team. The challenge many CEOs face is that they are alone at the top. In his experience, the CEO peer groups grants those in upper-level positions the benefits of accountability and support that one only gets when they are part of a high performance team.
Ryan Thomas – Timlin Enterprises
Ryan Thomas of Timlin Enterprises makes confidently states that one will not receive the level of wisdom and knowledge anywhere else than in a CEO peer group. Having access to a team of 8 to 10 CEOs and leaders, even for a limited time, has been invaluable to his growth as a leader. He wants others to know that if you do not have time for a peer group, you need a peer group; ‘there is a better way’.

CEO Roundtable is made up of private, peer advisory groups of 8 to 12 members from non-competing companies. These peer groups provide a forum for invigorating exchanges of information, ideas, and insights.