Book Review: How Customers Buy…& Why They Don’t

Book written by Martyn R. Lewis (no relation) For those of us who did any selling in the last century, there has been a lot of head-scratching about what happened to the “good old days” when we knew how to convert an opportunity to a prospect to a sale. When you could...

Active Listening … and Leadership

Our heads are full of thoughts, images, ideas, experiences and emotions and we have a need to share them in order to develop ourselves, our ideas and to achieve just about anything significant. Our species occupies the top spot on the planet because of our unique...

Being a CEO Should be a Part-Time Job

At a recent CEO Roundtable meeting, Bruce told us about his recent practice of clearing a day… Wednesday was his choice… to book off work each week.  He says that he might do some work on the mission and vision of the business, or he might just go to the library...

When Everyone Wants to Be The Leader

Everyone is trying to act like a leader in the your group.  You may be one of them.  Nothing is getting done and everyone is frustrated.  First, don’t despair. This is the way most teams begin. We are not trained to work in teams by experience and we are not...

Selling Skills and Business Leadership

Can you remember a time in your life when you felt the great satisfaction of being able to help someone solve a problem?  I mean really change their circumstance?  Wasn’t that just the best feeling in the world? What if I could tell you how to do more of that?  Would...