Bob’s enthusiasm for the CEO peer experience is infectous

Bob made more than my day when he enthusiastically ended our phone conversation with, “I can’t believe that more CEOs don’t have something like the CEO Roundtable!  Why can’t you tell them?” Every marketing professional will tell you that the best possible...

Find the Secret to More Time

A guy I was interviewing for membership in our CEO Peer Group felt the need to tell me that “time is my most precious resource”. I felt like responding; “No shit, Sherlock, do you think any CEO has time to burn?”

What Does Improv Theater Have to Teach Us About Leadership?

In a two-day session in late January, improv actress and psychologist Amy Goldfarb posed the question “What does improv have to teach us about leadership?” This short video provides a recap of the retreat.  We began to explore the answer by first experiencing the...

Management Without Authority

An obviously frustrated Project Manager asks: “How can I communicate authoritatively in a workplace when the members of the team do not report to me?” This is the common “Responsibility without Authority” problem. How do you execute your responsibility without having...